(My Team dance when make a prefomance at KDCA hall (KDCA-ISCEP EVENT)

(My dancing Partner )
~This dance belongs to the Murut’s tribe of Kuhijaw (Kwijau). The "Magunatip" word is derived from the "apit" word, which means "trapped". In this dance one must master and show their agility and dexterity in jumping and putting their feet between the clapping bamboos without being trapped. This dance does not usually require any instrumental music because the rhythmic clapping and stamping of the bamboos produce a loud, harmonised, beat and interesting sound or rhythm. This dance is usually performed to highlight any festive occasion .
~Performed by the young men and women of the Kwijau community in Keningau, Sabah.
~The dance involves jumping steps and the dance is a display of the skill of the dancers that maneuver their feet in and out so as not to get their feet trapped by the bamboo. The 2 bamboo poles are usually approximately 6 feet long and are held by 2 dancers that beat them together and over a shorter length of wood or bamboo creating an interesting rhythm.
~Sometimes there are even 4 poles that are held by 4 dancers. The tempo can be increased to further display the skill of the dancers.
~Among the musical instruments used are the gong and bamboo. Both are percussion instruments that provide the rhythm for the performance.